Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pre-Departure Update

Somehow three weeks have flown by, and we are scheduled to leave for Accra tomorrow, and will fly out on Monday.  So much has been accomplished - we have procured a net for the hunters, almost 200 feet long, which will be used to corral them in the bush.  Had we acquired it earlier in the trip perhaps we'd already have antelope waiting in the temporary enclosure, but things move here as they will.  But we're excited to know that at any moment, we could get news of our first antelope.  Who knows, maybe we'll see one before heading out!

In addition to the net, the mason (Moses) has finished forming the additional blocks needed for the foundation, and the crew has begun laying them out into the trenches that were dug over the past week.  Soon the other cement and gravel will fill in and create the base for the chain link fence - although we'll have to arrange for more funding to purchase the needed metal piping for the supports once we get home.

Today we met with the chief of Kopeyia, Torgbui, at his palace home on the other side of Kopeyia.  Kopeyia isn't just a small village - it's a conglomeration of compounds and smaller village-areas, and he is the head of the whole area.  He is an avid supporter of science education and is enthusiastic to help us succeed in our project, for which we are quite grateful.  After our discussion, Torgbui took us on a walking tour of his village area, which is where the Ewe initially settled 600 years ago - there is a mango tree there that is said to be that old, and seeing its size, I believe it!

If we are able to get online in Accra we'll post further, but for now, this might be the last until we arrive home and can more easily post video, pictures, and a fuller story.  We hope you've enjoyed the ride, it certainly has been amazing for us!  More soon, Akpe!

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